@@@v0 - Foreground BLACK @@@h0 - Background BLACK @@@v1 - @v1Foreground RED@v7 @@@h1 - @h1Background RED@h0 @@@v2 - @v2Foreground GREEN@v7 @@@h2 - @h2@v1Background GREEN@v7@h0 @@@v3 - @v3Foreground YELLOW@v7 @@@h3 - @h3@v1Background YELLOW@h0@v7 @@@v4 - @v4Foreground BLUE@v7 @@@h4 - @h4Background BLUE@h0 @@@v5 - @v5Foreground MAGENTA@v7 @@@h5 - @h5Background MAGENTA@h0 @@@v6 - @v6Foreground CYAN@v7 @@@h6 - @h6Background CYAN@h0 @@@v7 - Foreground WHITE @@@h7 - @h7@v1Background WHITE@h0@v7 @@@of - VT100 attributes normal (wb/bw) @@@ul - @ulUnderlined@of @@@bo - @boBold@of @@@in - @inInversid@of (Fore <-> Background) @@@up - Cursor up @@@lt - Cursor left @@@dn - Cursor down @@@rt - Cursor right @@@cl - Clear Screen/Home @@@ho - Cursor Home (0,0) without CLS @@@de - Delete Char - rest will be moved @@@@@@@@@ - The `@@@` itself @@@pa - Stops the listing for 1/2 sec @@@us - inserts the name of the actual user